English: San Vito Lo Capo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ah, dimenticavo: il conto della cena mandatelo al Sindaco del mio paese.
Pietro, rock this country!". Matteo 26,26 bis, ter, quater, quinquies.
"I woke up this morning with a buzz rollin' 'round in my brain
I haven't been drinkin' but it feels pretty good just the same
It must be contagious-looks like it's goin' around
It's cool once you catch it-you can't keep your feet on the ground
C'mon, c'mon-let's get something started
C'mon, c'mon-let's start something now
We're gonna rock this country
We're gonna rock this country
Every brown-eyed boy-every blue-eyed girl
Gotta really go psycho-give it a whirl
We're gonna rock this country
Right out of this world
From Utah to Texas, Minnesota, Mississippi too
Or Nevada, no matter where you live-this buzz is for you ..."
Dietro al nulla c'è sempre qualcuno.
Le tue performance sono Meliche, melodiose, liriche.
Dio fa i miracoli, ma noi ne possiamo fare di più grandi.